Here’s the set of HR policies you were looking for! I’m attaching the document in .pdf format and also in .docx format. The .docx format is the one you can edit, to make this handbook yours, and I’m sending the .pdf in case the formatting goes haywire in the editable version (it usually does). I work on Google Docs, you might work on Microsoft Word, and so the story goes.
Every company has its own tone, you might find this handbook extremely formal, or extremely casual. You may want to erase half of the information provided, you may want to add some other policies to it, feel free to do what you consider best for your company.
I have tweaked this file a dozen times for different clients, but I still think it provides a good backbone to work from, as opposed to starting from nothing.
You will see in the document I highlighted the words “Company Name”, (you will find it +50 times in this doc). I suggest you go to the function “Find and Replace” and replace it with your own company name, it will make the read a bit easier.
Also please note as a little disclaimer, that once you put this file in use, you take full accountability for the information provided, VHRS will not be liable for any action/ consequence of the distribution of such information.
Don’t get me wrong, I have used this bundle of policies and stand by them, but the moment you share with your staff compliment, it would be your sole responsibility to be accountable for what it says.
We are on standby and more than happy to help with any policy customization, or if you need to bounce ideas to make sure your edits are compliant with the SA framework.
Enjoy the read,